Category Archives: Spring 2010

yknow, recently, cool things have happened

This is a pretty disjointed post, but just work with me here. I’m too over it to organize and trasitionize.

Last Saturday I went over the hill to Livermore!!!! (What, you haven’t heard of the place?)

It was my cousins’ 40th wedding anniversary surprise party and we had a big bbq on top of picnic tables all done up fancy wedding style. THE BEST part was that there was a little posterboard with pictures from the original 1970 wedding, and my DAD was a groomsman! He was 21 at the time bahaha. He’s on the far left:

I was gazing with amusement at this photo when one of my oldest cousins came over and mumbled to himself “My my…. that was back in the day when Cary smoked a lot of that marijuana plant…”

“WHAT?! NO I DIDN’T!” my dad hastily piped in. “Katie don’t listen to a word they say. It’s all LIES!”

OH NO. Ohhhhhh no Dad! The gatos are out of their bolsas now!

I told him that there was no hiding it now! Ever since that fateful night in highschool when I invited some friends over to watch Easy Rider for the first time… and he knew every word…. A-HA! My suspicions had now been confirmed, sucka!

For reference, Easy Rider (particularly 1:43 haha):

Then, on Sunday when I TA’d the basic scuba class I found a golf ball in 40 feet of water at the Breakwater and carried it back with me… only to find that another buddy pair had also found one! HAHA yesss someone must just be goin to town driving from the shore!

Also, saw the Fleet Street show in Stanford. SO good/funny/fun!

ALSO, can we just talk about Stanford the PLACE for a second? I got lost driving around trying to find the auditorium, but I made this wrong turn and started heading straight for these HUGE and BEAUTIFUL buildings.

And to top it off, this was at sunset so everything was pink and gold…. on the fucking granite and marble ARCHES?! What do you think this is, Italy? Fuck!

Actually, EVERYTHING is extremely nice and (am I allowed to say this?) fancy shmancy at Stanford. I think back to Santa Cruz… and the more and more I think about it… We basically just have a bunch of buildings up in the forest! Hahaha. But whatever, as we hippies do, we keep it au naturel. Besides, people riot if ANYONE suggests change or development. Or, for no reason at all.

And one moreee thing! Okay, someone forgot to tell me that Frat houses and Sorority houses actually exist. I mean, I knew they were around (kinda)… like I had seen them in Cal Poly SLO and at UCSB….. but generally they were just these houses that are collectively rented in town somewhere (CAPPA CHOWwwwww no mas!). But OHHHH no! The stereotypical Frat House of Hollywood Cinema is REAL in Stanford! Not only are they on campus but they are somewhat intermixed within buildings! AND, they are not houses; they are mansions. I’m guessing anywhere from 25-50 people live in ONE of those big, beautiful houses. And the most amusing part of it all was that when I exited the Auditorium around 9:30-10 ish, I could hear mobs of people singing along to Lady Gaga songs, bottles chinking, girls yelling shrilly over the music, boys guffawing over their beers… the silhouettes of ridiculous amounts of people partying in the illuminated windows of 3 stories.

Ohhh, so THIS is what a real college is like.

When Kerry and I were talking last night we decided that one day we’re going to crash one of those parties and go to jail for one night only!

…or not. Bahaha.

Cool thing number fifty thousand: Scuba fun dive ON OUR OWN!!!! Lover’s Cove, once again, for the freaking win!

Oh and btw, it looked like that, only better. Desiree, Brittany and I made a group of 3 while Jackie went with Patrick. Literally, we saw EVERYTHING. The only thing that could have made it better was if we made out with mermen and made the mermaids jealous. Freals. It was THAT good. Here are pictures I found from the internet of just a few of the species we saw (it would take hours to find them all), just so you have an idea of how beautiful it was! These are actually pretty accurate pictures… but even what we saw was even MORE vibrant and lush than some of these pictures!

cystoseira osmundacea

Sea Grapes– I’d never seen so many!

Pteroygophora (bahaha “ummm that would be pterygophora… also pterygophora…. that too…. pterygophora…”

Orange puffball sponge! so fun to poke. Looks like MAGMA!

Ostrich PLume Hydroid– didn’t know what this was when I saw it underwater. We took some time to really look around a cool rock, and I found a little tiny upcropping of these hiding behind the fronds of some fleshy reds

LIGHTBULB TUNICATESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I am obsesssseeeeeeddddd with these!!! OH my gawwwwdddddddddd-ah!

And, for the grand finale, as we navigated our way back to shore through passages and channels between large lines or sediment shelves and rock lines, amongst schools of different perches and rockfishes, past the largest sea cucumber we had ever seen in our LIVES, we sailed up to a shelf on the reef to only about 8-10 feet, and the kelp became very dense… and then, to maximize all the glory the world could possibly bestow upon us in one dive, the sun poked out from behind a cloud and illuminated a ceiling of green and gold!

It looked like that, only BETTER and more golden and translucent! I grabbed my buddies. Pointed to my eyes (“Look!”) and then swooped my arm upwards (“up and around at this beautiful scene!”). It was all too beautiful to simply acknowledge it with a “shaka,” so we resorted to SMILING WITH OUR EYES like the top mwaudels we are. We rolled over on our backs and laid there for like five minutes, just staring up. I live for moments like this. I never feel more at home than being under the kelp on a sunny day. It was also good because I feel like a lot of the times as a scuba diver you have these sort of horse blinders on… your mask really kills your peripheral vision, and it’s really easy to just find your eyes glued to a rock, checking out all the tiny inverts baby algae… so it was really amazing to just be able to stop, relax, and enjoy the scene at large.

I love you, ocean.

Furthermore, just got back from the Santa Cruz Beekeeper’s Guild (FUCKYEAH, it’s a guild not a club!) Monthly Meeting and it was really cool! We talked about different plants that are beneficial or poisonous to bees, and what times of year they bloom. One of the beekeepers there wants me to give a one-hour top bar hive class at a skills (skillllzzzz 2, yknow!) expo in September…. that could be really neat! MAYBE I WILL! It’s just weird though… I feel like I know a lot about top bar beekeeping vs. traditional langstroth… but at the same time feel like I’m no authority on the subject whatsoever. I guess, quite frankly, I’m intimidated by the collective knowledge of more seasoned beekeepers and feel like it’s not my place to go about teaching any beesness… but we shall see. There is but a summer ahead of us!


Beeswax can be used to purify water! HELLZYEAH!

And finally,

Another cool thing: Avocados are on sale at New Leaf! Om nom nom White Cheddar Sourdough, Avocado, Cayenne Pepper Sandwhiches delight!

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Filed under Spring 2010

today: funnier than most


WOWZA! When did the Royal Tenenbaums Sountrack get into my itunes library!? FOR THE WIN! Notably, this song:

Haha that little girl is crraazzzzyyy awesome!


Also, went to the gym tonight. I walked passed two guys in plank position on their elbows next to each other.

Guy 1: “Hoo! Oh man…”

Guy 2: “Dude, when you get to one minute, clench your cheeks as hard as you can. AUGHHhhhhhh!”

Guy 1: “AUGHHHhhhhh!”

Trew wuv, bromance.



KERRY IS BACK! Musings about existentialism, Livermore, stage presence, and going to jail for one night ensued.

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Filed under Spring 2010


All my scuba gear is hanging to dry in a plethora of macgyver’d places all around my broomcloset of a dorm room.

It smells


bad in here right now.

I can NOT wait to be out of these dorms and in a house where I can hang these to dry


I am counting the days until I am out of the dorms. For. Ev. Er.


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Filed under Spring 2010

the sun is shining!

the temperatures rising!

Wearing dresses! Running around! Beach days!


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Filed under Spring 2010

last weekend’s visit, revisited.

Just thought you might be interested in these little gems I forgot get from my phone!

We had a THRILLING car ride home from slo.

And look what Brittany did! YEAH GURL GET IT!

Stopped into the new surf shop where Longboard Grotto used to be. It’s a lot like Thalia surf shop. Sweet retro stuff, really cool boards and fins…. plus MR. WRIGHT?!??!?!

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Filed under Spring 2010

how to brew part tew!

Wednesday night I went up to three mile after class and Ted and I put the brew into a smaller, second fermenter. I added in the jasmine and honeysuckle flowers I had picked at home, and Ted gave me some of his secret stash of hops to sprinkle in, too! The air lock started bubbling again– the fermentation continues!

Sorry for the incredibly shotty picture haha! I wanted to capture some sort of visual reference to this part of the process, and if it meant using a cell phone camera in a dim room… so be it! You can at least see all the flowers and hops floating on top… kiiinda! haha.

Before I put the flowers in, Ted and I took a little vile of the fermenting solution and measured the gravity again. Ted knew some sort of calculation to apply to the original gravity reading we took (which was a whopping 70 before we watered it down) with the new one of about 10, and we figured that when all is said and done my beer will be about 6.4% Alcohol by Volume!

WHOAAAAAAkayyy. I may not know a lot (or really, ANYTHING) about beer… but isn’t that like twice as alcoholic as some beers?

Next step will be bottling and letting it become carbonated! Stay tuned.


Filed under Spring 2010

billy blue-jeans

Muriel and I are working on a REALLY FREAKIN SICK cover of Billy Jean right now! Instruments used:

  • maracas
  • claps
  • clarinet
  • singing
  • piano
  • ukelele
  • french horn
  • banjo

I KNOW! SO COOL RIGHT?! It should be done soon as both a video and a track. Stay tuned!

In other news, worked on the moat mural today! Finally feel like it’s starting to actually look like something!

The key was in the light blue on the shirt. Also the body was finallllylylyyylyyyy finished today, and I just started experimenting with the background. We’ll see where this goes.


K byeeeee off to genetics!

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Filed under Spring 2010

the pants of fance

mmmm I do love me my Encinitas.

Got on the road Thursday night after Sci Diving and found the sweet spot on Dillon’s old ipod radio transmitter cord so that I could jam to freakin’ MJ the wholllleeee way down! I probably played “want to be starting something” like five times. SO GOOD I miss blasting music and singing and dancing in my car!

Stayed the night at Lizzie’s house! I AM IN LOVE WITH HER. Dillon better watch the hell out! haha I’m gonna go in for the swoop! hahahaha.

Dillon and I hit the road Friday morning with PERFECT timing to make it through LA with noooo traffic and made it to SDA right as lunch got out and hung out with Ms. Coppock and Mr. Wright. HAHA Mr. Wright has the burliest beard going right now! HAHAHA.

On our way out to go surfing, I crossed paths with Mr. Glascow (the “metalest teacher in the world,” whose outer-half of his middle and ring fingers are missing on his right hand so that he ALWAYS has the devil horns goin’) who said that the water was 66 degrees.



Is that even… possible in the world?

Is this even… real?

I am even… human?

WHATTTTTTHEEEEFUCKKKKKK HOW is the ocean above 60 in Encinitas? I’ll believe it when I feel it!

But sure enough, once Dillon and I suited up and hiked down the Beacons cliff, and made it out to the somewhat wind-blown head high surf by riding the rip current elevators through the chaos… I immediately stripped down half way to just my bathing suit!

Surfline still persisted that the water is 59 at the highest… so I don’t know if I’ve just been cold in the ocean for too long and my internal thermometer is thrown off or what but… MMMMMM MY GAWD that water was SOOOO nice! I went swimming in just my bathingsuit after we surfed, and didn’t even put my wetsuit on the next day until the evening!

I was sad to leave the ocean to go inland for Jen’s play, but it turned out to be SO FUN!

I don’t know about you, but I definitely believe that loudness and quality have direct proportionality when it comes to singing.

PS– before you watch these… can we still be friends if I tell you that I love Styx? kthx.

Highlight from the play:

And then back on the road! More styx.

Takin’ it down a notch… gettin’ meaningful and shit…

AND NOW, for your viewing pleasure, I get my eye poked out at 3:11! HAHAHAHA oh my godddd.

The next day I spent basically the wholeeee day at beacons. It was sooo nice. Kindof a weird little thing happened but I’m afraid to post about it in case I get internet-stalked or something. I don’t know, if I know you, I’ll just tell you about it. But yah either way it was sick because I went swimming, body surfed, surfed…. and it was all warm water and sunny skies and overhead surf on the sets! Blown out a bit but… whatever! Still SO WORTH the trip!

And even outside of being in love with my home ocean more than probably anything else in the world, it was so great to just be HOME! To feel actual carpet underneath my bare feet. To not have to take a shower in the dark across the way from someone else, to open up the fridge at night and eat leftovers with my fingers (!!!), to sleep in my COMFORTABLE bed, to smell the balmy sweet air of Encintas/Leucadia, to sit on a comfortable COUCH!, to not eat dinner in the dining hall with 150 people around!, to lounge around barefoot while eating, to snuggle with my little sister, to sit on a sunny patch of warm carpet in the morning…

So many little things are so important!

Okay, and you know you’ve been away too long when your tortoise has been in hibernation so long you’ve even forgotten you had one!

Oh, and you wish this was you.

Goodbye my lovely hometown! I shall see you in a month and will be back for guarding the lives of your beachgoers!

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Filed under Spring 2010

ay! mi corazón!

¿Soy loca o hay más gueras que estén en el mundo que tienen un obsesión con canciones como estas? Creo que es posible que estas canciones de amor les den de comer a mis sueños de niñez sobre un chico que canta afuera de mi ventana bajo la luna mientras mis padres dormían  jajajaja! UN DÍAAAAA! jajajaja

Me voy pa’l encinitas, amigos!

Uy! Yo quiero tomar más clases de español! Ya se me he olvidado muuuuucho palabras de vocabulario, y también (y probable el más importante) tengo dificultades de conjugar en los tensos correctos! NOOOOOO

Adios! Fue todo para hoy :)



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Filed under Spring 2010